The Traveller Returns

The Traveller Returns

  I have another announcement to make – I haven’t been abducted by aliens; rather I’ve been setting up a new travel blog.  The blog is going to tell the story of my most recent adventures abroad, and will be a regular feature – I encourage...
Repainting Reality

Repainting Reality

  A New Beginning When I first decided to make a website, I searched through the dark places of the internet for an appropriate theme.  With a little help and a lot of patience, I found something I liked.  The website was clear and easy to use, but I felt it...
The Forum

The Forum

Although the site is still a work in progress, I’ve been able to open up my own forum with lots of help from my webmaster, Jordan.  You may be interested to know (if you didn’t know already) that the word “forum” comes from a Latin word for...
The First Post

The First Post

  Everything has to start somewhere.  As a famous (well, not-so-famous) author once said: “It ends with a beginning.  And it begins, as it ends.”  Now that we have the overly-dramatic uncorking of champagne bottles out of the way, I’ll talk...