

As a content writer, I have worked with a variety of businesses, from online language schools to cultural magazines. My content is always vibrant, concise and SEO-friendly to ensure a high client retention rate.  


Below, you can find some samples of my copy and content writing. If you’re interested in my services, you can contact me at [email protected]


As content writer for Linguahouse I have written articles, audio transcripts and educational materials. Each article is based around a breaking news story, which I then develop into a full lesson aimed at students and teachers of English as a foreign language.

Some of my work for Linguahouse includes lessons about Harry Potter, the Cumbre Vieja eruption, the NASA mission to deflect an asteroid and the rise of NFTs in the art world.

International Valencia

A website devoted to travel, tourism and local life in the city of Valencia, Spain. As a content writer I created guides covering a wide range of topics, such as transport, nightlife, shopping and safety.

Some of the content I created included photographs and graphics, including marketing material for small bars, restaurants and local businesses.


English Course Guide

An online business that provides support and marketing for online academies, and offers private classes for English learners. I prepared content relating to English as a foreign language, including graphic design, articles and advertising packages for English schools.


Silverfall Books

Silverfall Books is a publishing company that specialises in author services, such as editing, proofreading, ghostwriting and illustration. As a content writer and marketing coordinator I created articles related to writing and publishing, and managed the company’s social media presence.

I also designed the logo and marketing strategy, which the publisher used to approach prospective clients.



A tech website featuring articles on everything from computers to webhosts. I developed various types of content for the company, from images to articles, including some specialist pieces about particular editions of software.