There’s a rock in the void
Somewhere deep in space
Surrounded by other, similar rocks
A lonely, wild place
At some point things begin to happen
Fires erupt in the night
And dawn creeps into the edge of the world
Bringing the first signs of light
Creatures appear, flowers grow
Trees and mountains and seas
And somewhere, somehow, somebody wakes
And feels the very first breeze
Words become words, stories are told
Things venture out from their caves
The first tears of grief, the first regrets
The first cradles and the first graves
Towns become cities, lives become long
Nights become lighter than day
Superstitions are told and retold
And finally chased away
Here on the rock
In the middle of nothing
Voices and hopes are recorded
Art is created, lives are destroyed
Gold and possessions are hoarded
Eventual death
In a far-flung future
The lonely rock breaks apart
Everything here that happened to us
Is lost in eternal dark.